
Macy Jozsef
Betty Boon 
Macy Jozsef and her late husband Stephen Jozsef, M.D. founded Living From The Heart in 1988. At that time Macy was a 10 year breast cancer survivor. She began swimming with dolphins in 1987 and the first time she was in the water with dolphins was the first time since her cancer diagnosis that she "knew everything would be o.k." She was so impacted by her incredible personal experience with dolphins that she knew she must share this experience with others. From that inspiration, The Dolphin Experience, Living From The Heart was born. She has led over 2,500 people in human dolphin therapy.

Macy, founder of Dolphin Therapy organization, Living From The Heart. Pictured on the right are Macy and Amizcle in November, 2011. Amizcle has been one of Macy's closest friends for 17 years! He is the "granddaddy" of dolphin therapy, and loves doing that work!! He and Macy knew each other when he lived in Puerto Vallarta. Macy followed Amizcle to Dolphinaris in Cozumel, so that she could bring many more people to receive his incredibly strong sonar. He is very funny and makes everyone laugh --laughter, the best medicine!.  

Living From The Heart, The Dolphin Experience is composed of a dedicated team of people who proudly strive to fulfill the organization´s mission in their every day life, as well as in their professional endeavors. Below you will find information about our staff´s profile and background. 
Betty Boon (left) taught special needs children for 30 years. In 2003 she was honored by being named "Nine Who Cares" special teacher.  

Since her retirement from teaching in 2004 Betty has been an integral part of Living From The Heart.  

After Betty's first dolphin therapy trip 8 years ago, she "magically" quit smoking and has not had a cigarette since!

Anny Ortiz
Anny, pictured on the right in a dolphin therapy session, has a B.A. in Psychology from Arizona State University where she had the opportunity to volunteer at The Mind/body health lab. 

She has 10 years of experience working with adolescents and families in various therapeutic settings in Mexico, The United States, and more recently, Costa Rica. She teaches people relaxation techniques through the use of the mind/body medicine modality called "biofeedback" and she practices medical biomagnetism.

Anny looks forward to continuing her education and plans on pursuing a graduate degree in the field of psychoneuroimmunology, aiming to conduct research that integrates various interests, as well as further validate in an empirical way the beneficial effects of dolphin therapy on nervous, endocrine and immune systems. 

If you wish to learn a little more about biofeedback, click here.
Macy & Amizcle have shared dolphin therapy together for 17 years  

Betty, pictured above, participating in dolphin assisted therapy. This is Betty's 6th time for dolphin human therapy sessions.etty, pictured above, participating in dolphin assisted therapy. This is Betty's 6th time for dolphin human therapy sessions.
Anny listening to underwater sonar in a dolphin therapy session. 
                  Living From The Heart, The Dolphin Experience, (303) 512-3614 , P. O. Box 865, Morrison, Colorado 80465, macy@lfhdolphinexperience.org
Yazmin Ibrahim & Adam Smith

Yazmin and Adam live on Cozumel Island –they are our “local” representatives, and they make it possible for all of you to participate in our dolphin therapy program whenever it is most convenient for you.

Though Yazmin is a very busy dentist, whenever possible, she arranges her schedule so that she can lead our programs. Adam, her fiance’ has been assisting her for the past year –he is a natural also –and his charm and warmth makes our families feel so comfortable. They’re a great team!!

Several families have traveled from such faraway places as Poland and they surely leave the beautiful island of Cozumel grateful for having had the opportunity to participate in a dolphin therapy retreat with people as caring and kind as Yaz and Adam. To learn more about Yazmin's dental work, you may visit her website at:www.dentalcarecozumel.com
Rick and Tracey.... COMING SOON!